Spanish Culture and News

Baila el ChikiChiki – Am I the last to know?

So, through votes by the public, Spain has come up with history’s most ridiculous, embarrassing, and frankly absurd entry to this year’s Eurovision Song Contest (the most ridiculous, embarrassing, and frankly absurd music competition on the planet), and I only just found out. For those that are not yet familiar with the song that, to the detriment of this great nation, is going represent Spain’s musical talents before all of Europe this year, here is a short excerpt (plenty, believe me) from Rodolfo Chikilicuatre’s Baila el ChikiChiki:

What are the odds that this ends up the ‘cancion del verano‘? Catchy tune, silly dance, need for large amounts of alcohol to be fully appreciated – it’s got all the ingredients of a top summer smash hit!

For Spanish Cultural scholars who would like to delve deeper into the ChikiChiki phenomenon, see this interview with Buenafuente. Warning, parts of this clip are extremely unbearable.